Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I heard one of my acquaintances joking a few days back – “The costliest thing Manmohan singh has is Gulshan Kaur!
While the NDA was busy in mudslinging him and his party, the poor man kept his calm.
He could not even do the “Thumbs up” act properly when his thumb came back from halfway. The parliament was worth watching. The IPL, India-Pakistan match, cheerleaders, nothing could have beaten it.
‘Democracy’ we call it! Rahul Gandhi calls it our true power…that everybody can speak here. I hope he was just being sarcastic!(His speech was a breeze, though interrupted)
I remained glued to the television yesterday to witness the high drama, excitement, thrill and yes not to mention the versatile villains and vampires. The speaker, like a class teacher, used all sorts of verbal weapons. But the other side was immune. He called it shameless, expressed agony and used all sort of pejorative remarks in his own acerbic style. But the house saw no decorum and no respect at all! They were wild!
Any Indian who saw the political drama yesterday would have been seething with anger. If they are who represent us, we are doomed .And if people do research on how we have survived 60 years of democracy, there is nothing surprising. We are actually doing wonders!

P.S: Lalu should log on to He is caught in the wrong job and should rather go in the laughter challenge.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Uncluttered :)

I deleted all the conversations from my mailbox today….everything…the good….the bad….the best….the worst …without any partiality… It feels great . I bought few poster colors, few brushes and few sheets. And with nothing in my mind I just started drawing...I finally ended up drawing a few squares and a few absurd figures which I do not recognize. Then I picked up the brush and started coloring it. My mom found it a useless piece. She said “You are drawing like a kid!”. “That is what I wanted to feel like for now”- I said.

P.S: Gmail says- “No conversations in the Trash. Who needs to delete when you have over 2000 MB of storage?! “ But believe me, it is still advisable to throw the garbage!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Nothing much..;)

There are two reasons why my blog remained dormant for such a long time:
The idea of stepping out of the house, walking a kilometer to the nearest café, waiting in a queue for half an hour and then posting something here appeared preposterous!
Secondly and more importantly I had nothing to write. ;)
Yeah…I tried …looked at ceiling through the rotating fan….out of the window…from the balcony…but nothing ‘philosophical’ came out of it. ;)

There are few reasons why I am blogging :
Most of my friends who blog have been doing so religiously.
I fear losing the 1 or 2 readers I have.
Sid asked me to do so!
Sid also had nothing to write but still managed to write two post out of ‘nothing’ ;)( to verify go to- ;))

Why we should still write when we have nothing at all to write?:
When you have nothing to write, you actually write about ‘nothing’. ’ Nothing’ is in itself a great word. Nobody knows it, but everybody uses it.
You see someone quiet and upset, and ask him “Hey what have you been thinking?”
He laconically replies” Nothing”.
You scrap a friend “hey what’s up? Howz life? Blah blah…
He replies back-“nothing much…u temme..” ;)
You write a mushy SMS to your boyfriend and wait for a deserving reply and he replies ”Nothing”.
You see, ‘nothing’ has the power to end it all and nothing has the power to start it again!

Why should you read it?
Well you already read it. So I guess you don’t need a reason anymore ;).

Sid I did it too!!! Yuppie!! ;)