Friday, October 10, 2008


Have you ever looked from the window and wished to see something else…or had that strange urge to see the sun rising at the midnight…

Some times you just feel like writing…like spilling all the colors on a paper….the thoughts that come into your mind…while traveling in a train…peeping out of the window….before going to sleep…these aren’t the best thoughts may be….but if you could just…on only one day record them in the order of their occurrence somewhere….and your own voice playing the narrator part…
Sometimes you think you are almost there….and keep wondering if you actually wanted to reach there…only if you could start back all again make some changes….and had several of such chances….
Have you ever wished that few of your years were not actually being counted….i mean your age remained same…like say consider a point…everything before and after the point is connected….and you could somehow split it into two, stretch them apart and filled something between…and the things before the first point and after the second point are still connected…the middle thing is just a bonus part which you could fill according to you wish…any colour…any length…lived that length…and the closed the points again without anyone knowing what existed between them….
if you could just know what’s inside someone’s heart, your belief that he was doing things for a reason might have changed…may be he was just being random….may be he was just stretching those two points….and will close them without you even knowing that something existed in between…..