Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Theory of three birds by Rohit Raju:)

There is lot that can be told about, in spite of the very little that is happening in my life( because all that is happening these days is 'Technical' training). But of course there is change of place, change of faces around me. The entire set is new. Many other things have changed too. I have become sincere. And yes few of my friends are teaching me the “art of behaving like a girl” which they feel is the success mantra for any girl. He he ;) Well how well do I follow them is a different story. I will keep these mantras for some other post. Anyways, what inspired me to blog today are two things:
1. An enlightening conversation with this softspoken gentleman named Rohit Raju, who happens to be with me in office.
2. The confusion between the HR and the training centre that ended up with us having this most precious free time during our training period.
Confusion is good!
Well Rohit told me about his ‘Theory of Three Birds’ previously but I had the privilege to actually hear it all, today. And I guess it is worth sharing here :)
According to him there are three birds in a man’s life that are most dear to him.
He explained it to me with an example that says suppose you have three pens- one Reynolds, one Parker and one Pierre Cardin. You use the first the most and with the least care. The second is reserved for special ‘occasions of writing’. The third one is the most precious to you amongst the three and requires extra care! You do not give it to anybody and take pride in owning it. The ‘three pens’ are the three birds in this example.
Any guesses what the three birds are in a men’s life. Here it goes- The first and the most roughly treated bird is the chicken that you(for guys of course) eat! .Poor Bird!
The second Bird is the vehicle that you own…your car…or your bike…It is of course close to your heart and requires maintenance.
Now the third and the most important of all and the most difficult to keep is a girl!! You don’t want to share her of course ;). And maintenance?? Do I need to elaborate!
Lucky Bird! ;)
Well interesting Mr. Rohit!!!
“ Looking forward to learn some more theories from you :).
And I would not tell anybody the exact number of birds you have ;).But wishing you all the three :).
Well but there is a little grouse that you do not have a similar theory for girls. (I have suggested him a name but will not put it here because few guys might get pissed off.)”

P.S- To know more of his theories keep coming to my blog. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have me spammed in your mail i guess...

i mailed u sometime back...check if u can

by the way, how is the job coming?