Few days to go and I will be joining Iflex solutions( now Oracle Financial Services :)) in its Mumbai Office. I will be laving my place on 16th. All I do these days is to surf 99acres.com and hope that I chance upon some really cheap accommodation.. ;) I am being unrealistic I know.
Software is not exactly what I want to do or feel like doing. Nonetheless I will be doing this for quite some time from now. The industry is facing bad times and most of my friends are still waiting for their joining dates. I have been lucky that I had it on time. Moreover I am going to Mumbai and will now be able to compare Delhi and Mumbai, like most of the people who know both cities do. ;) And hey Meenal I am sure I would still be on Delhi’s side :)
But then, there is hardly any feeling of excitement. I am not even sad that I am leaving home or that the college has ended. As if what is the big deal!! This is something very predictable. It had to occur. Is it the predictability that makes me neutral?? But I remember being excited about coming into a new class in school…about seeing the same faces again in some new class….about facing the first day in college….When one of my favorite teacher left school when I was in class 7th , I wept hard and gave her a seven pages letter…;) The ability to feel the due excitement or sadness has vanished somehow now. All that I feel is “what is the big deal!! “:) After all, this is not the first time I will face a change.
But this is slightly worrying me. It is like even the good things seem like tasting an insipid coffee. You don’t want to lose the flavor of course….
Things are not making me feel like ”wow!”
This phase is boring when you are sad for nothing and happy for nothing.
Anyways not to mention there is a hectic schedule waiting for me out there and I might be absent from the blogosphere for some time. (not necessarily though :))
And if anybody has a pill to make me feel the “wow effect” please inform… ;)
Through the fences
10 years ago