Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I am tagged!

Hey I have been tagged by siddhartha(

How it works:-

1. Players start by posting 8 random facts about themselves.
2. Those who have been tagged, must post these rules, along with their 8 random facts.
3. Players should tag 8 other people and notify them, that they've been tagged.

Hmmm...8 facts about me :

1. They say "yesterday" was the first day I reached college on time in the past three years. And guess what - They are right! ;)

2. When I do something with interest I become so engrossed and lost in my own world that I will not listen to the most tempting gossips and important orders. I will infact block all the voices around me and you may have to try real hard to get me back. My mother says this came from papa. Papa feels too degraded when i am compared to him(???). He says i have all from my mother.

3. I have been brought up by my maternal grandparents(mind you affection was the sole reason :)).

4. I am extremely fond of hot chochlate fudge. And you better not disturb while I eat it with my eyes closed and making sounds like umm...

5. I like making stuffed parathans and making people eat them too :).

6. I think I might die by a road accident. I get jitters on seeing speeding vehicles.

7. I was a very confused child. For example I was always confused why one-ways are called one-way when it has two roads and two-way is called a two-way when it has only one road. I can be disastrous when it comes to directions and reading maps.

8. I appreciate subtle and witty humour but I enjoy silly humour. If you are using toilet jokes, illogical comedies, look around I might me laughing out loud somewhere. :)

And yes, I tag Anchit, Shikhar, Prakash, Rahul, Arpit, Varun sir, Nikhil sir and Manas.