Thursday, September 06, 2007

I feel like.....

I feel like the rain drop,
I am falling,
you are spattering and sploshing.....
I am rising,
you are capturing....

I feel like the snow ball,
I am freezing,
you are holding and moulding...
I am falling,
you are catching.....

I feel like the wind...
I am blowing,
you are breathing and feeling...
I am whirling,
you are watching.....


deepak said...

Hey thats really nice,.

i tried along the same lines

i feel like a dog!,
i am barking..
you are afraid
i come forward to bite you-
And you run away!!

now howsthat??!! Heheee..

Rupali Tyagi said...

ha ha ha ha...hey deepak..m laughing out loud....